Attaining and Staying ISO Compliant

For years, organizations seeking to meet compliance requirements have based security processes on meeting standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). While the way we work has changed in response to a global pandemic, the need for organizations to maintain a rigid security posture of course hasn’t diminished. Being ISO compliant helps you…

Achieving ISO/IEC 27001 Certification with JumpCloud

Compliance. It’s a word that can send chills down anyone’s spine, especially that of an IT admin. The International Organization of Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) 27001 is the holy grail when it comes to IT compliance audits. The standard describes an information security management system (ISMS), a powerful method for preventing a data breach. Given the prevalence…

A Security Checklist for your Startup

In today’s business environment where workforces are mobile and the most important data is stored in the cloud, security is paramount. This is especially true for startups because they change quickly, are often working with fewer resources and less specialized personnel than their more established counterparts, and are operating with a relatively small budget. Despite…

Security for Startups: Securing Employees and Devices in Remote and Hybrid Workplaces

In general, startups are lean, fast, data-driven, and forward-thinking, making them prime users of cutting-edge tools, big data, and cloud-based technology. However, these fast-paced, high-stakes environments also make security critical, and regardless of workload, startups can’t afford to let security fall to the wayside. In fact, with the right security and tools in place, startups…

Regain control over remote users

Want to regain control of your remote workers? You’re not alone. Now that a much larger swath of office workers is remote due to the pandemic, many more IT administrators view controlling access and managing systems for remote workers as an imperative. Historically, an organization’s small population of remote workers might have gone unmanaged, but…